
The purpose of the Student Intake and Onboarding Workgroup is to design a holistic experience to support students from the first point-of-contact through the midpoint of their first semester.

Charter Sponsor

Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs

Charter Contact

Guided Pathways Steering Committee


Fall 2018-Spring 2019 or until purpose has been completed


  • Coordinator, Career Services, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Liz Doherty, Co-Chair
  • Faculty, appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing): Amit Sharma, Co-Chair
  • Associate Dean, appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing): Julie Dewan 
  • Associate Dean, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Jennifer DeWeerth
  • College Advisor, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Jenny Lewis
  • Assistant Director of Financial Aid, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Maureen Boufas
  • Completion Coach, appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing): Rachel Golden
  • Rome Student Services, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Dan Eddy
  • Faculty, CF100 Coordinator, appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing): Gina St. Croix
  • Admissions Counselor, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Kalynn Riedman
  • Financial Systems Accountant, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Stacy Kenyon
  • Auxiliary Services Associate, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Kelly Miller
  • Coordinator, Adult Learner Services, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Patti Antanavige
  • Marketing Communications Strategist, appointed by the President (Standing): Jennifer Fanelli


Task Action
Research best practices and models for Guided Pathways onboarding Research
Focus on creating a student-ready college and single points of contact Focus
Consider shared tracking and student data systems Consider
Identify strategies for communication with students Identify
Design with the whole student pathway experience in mind Design
Make recommendations to Guided Pathways Steering Committee Recommend


Does Not

  • Make policy or personnel decisions

Guided Points

  • Be creative.
  • Keep an open mind and not get stuck on "how we've always done it."
  • Design for the most at-risk student at the least opportune time.
  • Involve other staff, faculty, and students by asking for their input.
  • Keep the student experience at the forefront.

Updated Fall 2018