Registration is open for the Mohawk Valley Institute for Learning in Retirement’s (MVILR) four-week winter session. Classes begin Monday, Jan. 24, and they will be held virtually, throughout the community, or at its new location, Mohawk Valley Community College’s Rome Campus, 1101 Floyd Ave.

Courses range in format from large lectures to small discussions taught by volunteer facilitators, members, and guest professionals who enjoy sharing their expertise, talents, interests, and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.

A few examples from the 25 courses offered this session include:

  • The Political Landscape for 2022 with John Zogby
  • Hollywood and History
  • The Android Phone
  • Selected Poetry and Prose of John Donne
  • Classic Japanese Film
  • Meditation and Yoga
  • The Life and Work of Frédéric Chopin

MVILR offers full- and partial-year memberships, which include access to more than 125 classes each year in subjects from art and literature to science and technology to health and wellness over three sessions—winter, spring, and fall. 

To view the full catalog, become a member, or to register for courses, visit or call 315-334-7761

MVILR is a non-profit organization that provides local retirees with rich learning opportunities, including speakers, special programs, and a variety of non-credit courses taught by volunteer facilitators, members, and guest professionals. To become a member or register for classes, go to