Mohawk Valley Community College is still accepting Fall applicants for its Police Pre-Employment Training Program, a quick-start alternative to traditional police academies, which require a cadet be hired as a police officer before beginning training. 

The two-semester program, a partnership between MVCC and the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, enables students to complete Phase I of basic police training under the direction of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, training those who have the potential to become honest, ethical, knowledgeable, and competent law enforcement officers. 

Pre-Employment/Phase 1 recruits receive 85% of the basic training required to become police officers in New York State and an educational foundation in law. The program does not include firearms training, counter-terrorism awareness training, any defensive tactics that involve the use of a police baton, or field training. Additional training to complete the Basic Course for Police Officers can only be obtained once a student has been hired by a police agency and becomes a sworn police officer. The program does not guarantee employment, but all academic, practical, and physical fitness requirements will be met, giving graduates a competitive edge as their qualifications will offer savings to hiring departments and agencies.

The program is directed by Troy Little, who is retired from the New York State Police. To learn more about the program, including admission requirements, costs, and visit, or contact Little at