Current students who wish to live in the Residence Halls for the following academic year must participate in an event called the Room Selection Process.

What is the Room Selection Process?

The process in which any current student who wishes to live in the Residence Halls next year is randomly assigned a computer generated "Number". This number identifies what order the student will choose their room.

Does Everyone Get A Room?

We are pleased that we are able to accommodate any resident who wishes to return the next year if they submitted their Room Selection Registration Form by the deadline.  

How to participate:

1. Room Selection Information Packets are available in the Bellamy Hall Office or the Residence Life Office.
2. All registration forms must be returned to Auxiliary Services no later than Thursday, April 6th.  No additional deposit required by current students.  Students may use their current deposit for their deposit next year. 

Contact Residence Life in the Alumni College Center Room 208 and we'll be glad to assist.