I. Introduction

Welcome to the Mohawk Valley Community College's online learning program. This information is intended to provide you with a brief introduction to the skills necessary for becoming a successful online learner. You may also hear online learning referred to as:

• Distance education

• Distributed education

• Online education

• E-learning

Whatever it is called, online learning offers unique challenges and unique opportunities. The ideas presented here are not going to turn you into a model online student overnight, but hopefully they will help you develop enduring strategies for success. We hope that you will explore the resources and suggestions offered here and will find your online experience rewarding.

To determine if online learning is for you; take the online readiness checklist questionnaire at The MVCC Distance Learning webpage is the perfect starting point for students new to online learning and those who might want a refresher course or are looking for answers to specific questions.

Each semester, MVCC offers over 100 courses. Online courses offer the opportunity to attend classes at your own convenience any time and any place. In an online course the instructor and students are connected to each other through a computer network. Using the Internet, you can receive instruction, compose and submit assignments, ask questions of the instructor and other students, discuss issues and actively participate in the class all from your home, your office, or the nearest campus computer lab. MVCC is a national leader in online education and is committed to providing quality faculty, programs and services. The MVCC Online Learning website is the first step to your future success in online learning.